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Serengeti national park, the jumbo palace

Normally and as always referred to, the lion is the King of the Jungle not until the Elephant charges and the former will find the fastest route to escape. while the Elephants can instill that much fear in this fierce lion to its knees, so do the other animals when they come across this  large cat the lion except the elephants which is said to be very susceptible to intimidation to an extend of becoming dangerously defensive once it senses danger. an angry elephant that is about to charge at anything more the  vehicles are common in the Tarangire National Park, striding Arusha and Manyara regions as these are the places with largest numbers of elephants in Tanzania.

Elephants in Tarangire are so very aggressive because of the fact that the park borders human settlements and so many farms therefore they have to dig up trench preventing the animals from crossing therefore putting them against people whenever any of the two parties crosses one another’s boundaries.

Today, these large mammals are highly in danger of being poached in all parts of Africa as their tusks and horns are on a high demand in the Asian countries but researchers have discovered that the only one place where the elephants seem to be quite calm and at peace is at Serengeti National Park because according to a recently released report, they feel safer there. According to the report, elephants in African but living outside Serengeti National Park do live a more stressed life than those within the protected area.

It is believed that so many of them  choose stay following their own instincts that it is safer for them there and maybe “know”  those spots they can live in and stay away from the humans. And basing on the “African Journal of Ecology,” the book that has just been recently published, it is said that Serengeti National Park” is more effective in helping to protect animals from threats such as illegal hunting and habitat disturbance than in any other place.

So many elephant are killed in African countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa among others which will so cause a great impact on the tourism industry. Therefore, soon enough the Tanzanian government will be forced to deploy the army in fighting illegal hunting because the issue is getting more serious so said Ambassador Khamis Kagasheki who is the Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism.  Tanzania has about 110,000 elephants and it is the second in position after Botswana which has the highest number of elephants in the whole of Africa.


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