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Home stay tourism promotion in Kenya

By August 22, 2012Kenya safaris

Kenya’s tourism minister Dan Mwanzo said that there is great need for Kenya to introduce and promote home-stay tourism in an effort to improve on the underdeveloped regions. The home-stay tourism entails having the tourist stay in people’s homesteads rather than staying in the hotels more so in the areas where there are so many tourist attraction sites but no hotels where they can stay during their safaris.

Through this way, the families can always house the tourists and they get a certain percentage of the revenues from the tourists. The minister however also blamed the public of being against the innovation in the industry. He also added that Kenya can gain more from the tourism industry if there are good investment plans made.

He also said during his speech in his Voi backyard during the weekend that the development of home stay and other potential areas will enable tourists to visit many more places in the country more so those unexploited areas in the country which must be fully utilized. It’s unfortunate that the tourism industry is more focused on the beaches and Safaris, therefore its necessary to  create home stays which will be approved by the ministry, tourists  can come and stay at certain homes hence  a way of promoting  tourism in poorly developed regions so said  Mwazo.

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