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By November 4, 2011Uganda

The United States government  has donated $6million to the conservationists to help them run their projects in selected areas aimed at the improvement of wildlife conservation for the benefit/growth and development of people who live around the national park and game reserves in the whole country. This funding passed through the US development agency (USAID) and it  is intended to finance the project aimed at introducing  people living around the park into tourism though not fully responsible for conservation issues; they can always take part in the conservation measures at their own local level like protecting the existing forests from those who want to cut them down, reforestation as well as protecting the wildlife from poachers hence increasing the tourists’ attractions in the country.

There are about 30 selected wildlife management areas so far in the country though only 19 of them are the ones recognized by the authority as yet while the 11 remaining areas have not yet been registered as possible conservation areas as mentioned during the project launch.

The conservationists welcomed the project because it will create the soft spot for a better relations between the nation parks and the areas around the parked that is used for farming and settlement and once these people feel secure and the ownership of the land they live on, they will be able to earn some income from the tourism through provision of services to tourists who visit the area and be able to look after their families thus the development/ benefiting from the project.


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