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The Masai people promise to help in the fight against poaching

By March 25, 2013Kenya safaris

News from Kenya tourism sector reveal that the Maasai warriors in Monduli District have promised to help in any way possible to wipe out the poaching habit which is so rampant around their villages. They have come to this kind of understanding after realized how they are benefiting from the tourism sector and they made the pledge at Lepurko village grounds where more than 5000 villagers received treatment from volunteer doctors from Canada and Monduli district hospital, all funded by the Robin Hurt Wildlife foundation.

They had a week at the medical camp saw the villagers getting treatment on various illnesses and they also got about 524 spectacles free of charge something that was life changing.

Ezekiel Melabori while speaking on behalf of the rest of the Masai Moran people, he said that their communities have come to realize the importance of wildlife and appreciated the medical attention organized by the hunting firm which has a hunting block in Monduli. He added that besides the medical assistance provided every year; the firm also built schools classes, water dams and helped to fund their developmental activities in different villages in the District thus help in improving their standards of living. This is why “We condemn criminals who kill animals to stop because they are taking away our fortune; we have embarked on a plan to patrol our area and make sure no animal is killed here” so he said in his own words.

He also said that at this point in time, the villagers feel like they have a responsibility of protecting the wild animals in their area that is why they are asking the ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources to come with clear policies that would make people living near natural tourists attractions sites benefit from tourism and they will in turn help wipe out poaching.

Meanwhile Mr. Derek Hurt who is the director of the Robin Hurt foundation said that it was very importance to give back to the people of Monduli so that they can realize how important wildlife is to their livelihood. He also said that he is glad he was able to share part of the profit they got in their business with the communities near their hunting regions.



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