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By February 22, 2012Kenya, Tanzania

According to the Information that was got yesterday revealed that the  Kenya Wildlife Service together with the Tanzania’s Tanzania National Parks Authority last weekend launched game count which will last fro two weeks  in the areas of Kilimanjaro / Amboseli . The African Wildlife Fund (AWF) too had to joint the gang while the major reason for doing this is to get valid information in order to be able to efficiently establish a longer term game as well as a wildlife monitoring programme.

They are very much interested in counting more so the carnivores (meat eaters) like lion, leopard, hyenas and the other entire predator in the wilderness, which have been facing problems of drought for the past few years some that devastated the numbers of wildlife with the area and yet they are the food on which they feed. This is thus the reason why there is an increase in the number of domestic animals that are being attacked by these wild animals in their effort to get what to eat and as a way of stopping this, the herdsmen used  poison to catch and kill these carnivores, something that  put more tension on their reducing numbers.

The results fro the census will be produced and interpreted whenever it is ready however sources close to  KWS in Nairobi reveal that in about three months to come, they will be able to give helpful information  about what to do next.


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