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Explore the Karomoja Region on your Uganda Safari

By April 4, 2016uganda safari news

Karamajong-pastoralistsLocated in northern Uganda on a plateau between the southern Sudan Mountains and the Eastern Rift escarpment in Kenya; the natives of this Karamoja area a proud culturally unique people who for ages have been depending on cattle keeping for survival. The area generally experiences   a dry windy climate however uncovers gorgeous views, the sun setting over the towering mountain peaks are all very breathtaking views.

The Culture and Activities of the Karamajong People

The Karamonj people have one of the most unique yet very interesting cultures on the African continent. Because of the hot weather, they hardly wear the usual clothes you will find around, in fact, they normally wrap their bodies using a brightly colored blanket, have numerous piercings on their bodies including nose rings, and wear colored beads in their hair, speak a very unique language and all these in addition to other cultural practices.

Today, the Karamoja area continues to be among the least developed areas in Uganda and receives not so many visitors annually. Those enthusiastic about enjoying a cultural safari in Uganda, similar to the American-Wild-West you can visit Kotido town and see the vibrant cattle market held every Wednesday morning.

Kalongo Town and Father Ambrosoli

Kalongo is not a very big town in Northern Uganda but has a charming history focusing on the native medical clinic as well as its founder.

Father Giuseppe Ambrosoli in February 1956, went to Kalongo town to serve at a small local dispensary with minimal capacities. In just a couple of years, he had transformed the local Kalongo clinic into a modern medical center having 345 beds with a capacity to provide a number of medical services to the native people living in that area especially  the children and women. Over the years of his service, Father Ambrosoli intensively worked for the lepers changing the type of care given to them. He served as a surgeon, pediatrician, midwife as well as radiologist and even at times served as the casual laborer.

The civil war in 1987 which raged across the districts in northern Uganda resulted into the army forcefully evacuating this hospital; they gave Father Ambrosoli only 24 hours to remove all the sick from the hospital.

On February 13th, 34 vehicles left Kalongo transporting medical staff (among who were 23 Italian citizens), 150 patients, civilians plus 1.500 soldiers in addition to several students.  Behind them a cloud of smoke rose from the medical supplies which were set of fire at the hospital so that the rebels would not use them.

Not long after he had established a future for the midwifery schoolkaramajong-people that he had always strongly believed in, Father Giuseppe died on 27th March 1987 in Lira.

The 30 years that Father Ambrosoli served as a missionary in Uganda were exhibited in his persistence to the mission. Following his death the reason for beatification was started and to date is still ongoing.

The hospital was refurbished and is currently managed by the regional Archdiocese and is worth visiting on your Uganda Safari to the north. Although the civil war ended, the economy as well the medical care within this area still need to be enhancement.

This is a very beautiful yet unique site that is worth visiting on your safari to Uganda the pearl of Africa.

Safari in Uganda with AA Safaris & Tours Ltd

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