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KWS will be working with local counties

By December 17, 2014kenya tourism news

Considering the rate at which illegal hunter are hunting down the different wildlife in the different game reserves and national parks in different countries like Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, the Kenya Wildlife Service had  opted to partner with counties to enhance protection and conservation of wildlife. The local people are the best people to watch over the wildlife and report all suspicious behavior especially since they leave close these parks and can easily see what is going on in the parks.

In this regard, Kenya Wildlife Services has come up with the County Conservation and Compensation Committees, through the new Wildlife Management and Conservation Act 2013. Director General William Kiprono said they will hire more rangers and these will help to keep a watch over the animals more so the elephants and the rhinos whose parts are on a very high demand in different countries.

Wildlife tourism is a huge source of revenue as so many tourists are interested in watching the animals in their natural habitats and if they are poached, then it will lead to a decline in the number of tourists and thus a decline in the tourism business.


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